This is the core of the colorDF package – a print method for the colorful (and other) data frames.

# S3 method for colorDF
print(x, ...)

  n = getOption("colorDF_n"),
  width = getOption("width"),
  row.names = TRUE,
  tibble_style = getOption("colorDF_tibble_style"),
  highlight = NULL,
  sep = getOption("colorDF_sep"),
  bg = NULL,
  fg = NULL,



a colorful data frame (object with class colorDF), a data.frame, a tibble, a data.table or any other object which can be coerced to data frame with function.


further arguments are ignored


Number of rows to show (default=20, use Inf to show all; this value can be set with options("colorDF_n"))


number of characters that the data frame should span on output


if TRUE (default), row names will be shown on output


whether to print with tibble style (overrides style setting)


a logical vector indicating which rows to highlight


column separator string (overrides style setting)


set default background for the table


set default foreground for the table


print_colorDF is the exported function, print.colorDF is the S3 method. Otherwise they are identical.

print_colorDF is a function that can be applied to any data frame like object. Using colorDF() to change the class of the object is only necessary if modifications to the style are required, such as specifying column type. However, print_colorDF applied to virtually any data frame, tibble or data table will work. In such a case, the theme used to display the data frame will either be taken from getOption("colorDF_theme") or a default theme will be used.

Column types

Column types are basically the column classes (numeric, factor etc.) plus a few specialized types (such as p-value) which are displayed slightly differently. For example, an identifier will usually be shown in bold, and significant p-values will be red (details depend on the given theme and style; see col_type() and df_style() for more information).

Changing the default methods

It is possible to assign print_colorDF to the default methods, thus changing the way how tibbles, data frames or other data frame like objects are displayed. This should be generally safe, but use it on your own peril and preferably only in interactive sessions. I use the following code in my .Rprofile file:

if(interactive()) { <- colorDF::print_colorDF
  print.tbl        <- colorDF::print_colorDF <- colorDF::print_colorDF

See also

df_style() on how to modify colorful data frames styles; col_type() on how to change the column types; colorDF_themes_show() to demonstrate available themes; highlight() and df_search() functions on how to use colorDF to highlight selected parts of a data frame.


#> # Color data frame (class colorDF) 11 x 32:
#> # (Showing rows 1 - 20 out of 32)
#>                    │mpg  │cyl  │disp │hp   │drat │wt   │qsec │vs   │am   │gear 
#>           Mazda RX4   21    6  160  110  3.9  2.6   16    0    1    4
#>       Mazda RX4 Wag   21    6  160  110  3.9  2.9   17    0    1    4
#>          Datsun 710   23    4  108   93  3.9  2.3   19    1    1    4
#>      Hornet 4 Drive   21    6  258  110  3.1  3.2   19    1    0    3
#>   Hornet Sportabout   19    8  360  175  3.1  3.4   17    0    0    3
#>             Valiant   18    6  225  105  2.8  3.5   20    1    0    3
#>          Duster 360   14    8  360  245  3.2  3.6   16    0    0    3
#>           Merc 240D   24    4  147   62  3.7  3.2   20    1    0    4
#>            Merc 230   23    4  141   95  3.9  3.1   23    1    0    4
#>            Merc 280   19    6  168  123  3.9  3.4   18    1    0    4
#>           Merc 280C   18    6  168  123  3.9  3.4   19    1    0    4
#>          Merc 450SE   16    8  276  180  3.1  4.1   17    0    0    3
#>          Merc 450SL   17    8  276  180  3.1  3.7   18    0    0    3
#>         Merc 450SLC   15    8  276  180  3.1  3.8   18    0    0    3
#>  Cadillac Fleetwood   10    8  472  205  2.9  5.2   18    0    0    3
#> Lincoln Continental   10    8  460  215  3.0  5.4   18    0    0    3
#>   Chrysler Imperial   15    8  440  230  3.2  5.3   17    0    0    3
#>            Fiat 128   32    4   79   66  4.1  2.2   19    1    1    4
#>         Honda Civic   30    4   76   52  4.9  1.6   19    1    1    4
#>      Toyota Corolla   34    4   71   65  4.2  1.8   20    1    1    4
#> # 1 more columns: carb (<dbl>)
print_colorDF(mtcars, row.names=FALSE)
#> # Data frame like object (class data.frame) 11 x 32:
#> # (Showing rows 1 - 20 out of 32)
#> │mpg  │cyl  │disp │hp   │drat │wt   │qsec │vs   │am   │gear │carb 
#>   21    6  160  110  3.9  2.6   16    0    1    4    4
#>    21    6  160  110  3.9  2.9   17    0    1    4    4
#>   23    4  108   93  3.9  2.3   19    1    1    4    1
#>    21    6  258  110  3.1  3.2   19    1    0    3    1
#>   19    8  360  175  3.1  3.4   17    0    0    3    2
#>    18    6  225  105  2.8  3.5   20    1    0    3    1
#>   14    8  360  245  3.2  3.6   16    0    0    3    4
#>    24    4  147   62  3.7  3.2   20    1    0    4    2
#>   23    4  141   95  3.9  3.1   23    1    0    4    2
#>    19    6  168  123  3.9  3.4   18    1    0    4    4
#>   18    6  168  123  3.9  3.4   19    1    0    4    4
#>    16    8  276  180  3.1  4.1   17    0    0    3    3
#>   17    8  276  180  3.1  3.7   18    0    0    3    3
#>    15    8  276  180  3.1  3.8   18    0    0    3    3
#>   10    8  472  205  2.9  5.2   18    0    0    3    4
#>    10    8  460  215  3.0  5.4   18    0    0    3    4
#>   15    8  440  230  3.2  5.3   17    0    0    3    4
#>    32    4   79   66  4.1  2.2   19    1    1    4    1
#>   30    4   76   52  4.9  1.6   19    1    1    4    2
#>    34    4   71   65  4.2  1.8   20    1    1    4    1

if(require(dplyr)) {
    starwars %>% colorDF
    starwars %>% print_colorDF(highlight=.$homeworld == "Tatooine")

    ## equivalently
    starwars %>% highlight(.$homeworld == "Tatooine")

    ## with another style
    starwars %>% print_colorDF(tibble_style=TRUE, sep=" |%%| ")
#> # Tibble (class tbl_df) 14 x 87:
#> # (Showing rows 1 - 20 out of 87)
#>   │name                 │height│mass │hair_color   │skin_color      │eye_color
#><chr>                <int> <dbl><chr>        <chr>           <chr>    
#>  1Luke Skywalker          172   77blond        fair            blue     
#>  2C-3PO                   167   75NA           gold            yellow   
#>  3R2-D2                    96   32NA           white, blue     red      
#>  4Darth Vader             202  136none         white           yellow   
#>  5Leia Organa             150   49brown        light           brown    
#>  6Owen Lars               178  120brown, grey  light           blue     
#>  7Beru Whitesun lars      165   75brown        light           blue     
#>  8R5-D4                    97   32NA           white, red      red      
#>  9Biggs Darklighter       183   84black        light           brown    
#> 10Obi-Wan Kenobi          182   77auburn, whitefair            blue-gray
#> 11Anakin Skywalker        188   84blond        fair            blue     
#> 12Wilhuff Tarkin          180   NAauburn, grey fair            blue     
#> 13Chewbacca               228  112brown        unknown         blue     
#> 14Han Solo                180   80brown        fair            brown    
#> 15Greedo                  173   74NA           green           black    
#> 16Jabba Desilijic Tiure   175 1358NA           green-tan, brownorange   
#> 17Wedge Antilles          170   77brown        fair            hazel    
#> 18Jek Tono Porkins        180  110brown        fair            blue     
#> 19Yoda                     66   17white        green           brown    
#> 20Palpatine               170   75grey         pale            yellow   
#> # 8 more columns: birth_year (<dbl>), sex (<chr>), gender (<chr>), homeworld (<chr>), species (<chr>), films (<lst>), vehicles (<lst>), starships (<lst>)
#> # Tibble (class tbl_df) 14 x 87:
#> # (Showing rows 1 - 20 out of 87)
#>   │name                 │height│mass │hair_color   │skin_color      │eye_color
#><chr>                <int> <dbl><chr>        <chr>           <chr>    
#>  1Luke Skywalker          172   77blond        fair            blue     
#>  2C-3PO                   167   75NA           gold            yellow   
#>  3R2-D2                    96   32NA           white, blue     red      
#>  4Darth Vader             202  136none         white           yellow   
#>  5Leia Organa             150   49brown        light           brown    
#>  6Owen Lars               178  120brown, grey  light           blue     
#>  7Beru Whitesun lars      165   75brown        light           blue     
#>  8R5-D4                    97   32NA           white, red      red      
#>  9Biggs Darklighter       183   84black        light           brown    
#> 10Obi-Wan Kenobi          182   77auburn, whitefair            blue-gray
#> 11Anakin Skywalker        188   84blond        fair            blue     
#> 12Wilhuff Tarkin          180   NAauburn, grey fair            blue     
#> 13Chewbacca               228  112brown        unknown         blue     
#> 14Han Solo                180   80brown        fair            brown    
#> 15Greedo                  173   74NA           green           black    
#> 16Jabba Desilijic Tiure   175 1358NA           green-tan, brownorange   
#> 17Wedge Antilles          170   77brown        fair            hazel    
#> 18Jek Tono Porkins        180  110brown        fair            blue     
#> 19Yoda                     66   17white        green           brown    
#> 20Palpatine               170   75grey         pale            yellow   
#> # 8 more columns: birth_year (<dbl>), sex (<chr>), gender (<chr>), homeworld (<chr>), species (<chr>), films (<lst>), vehicles (<lst>), starships (<lst>)
#> # Tibble (class tbl_df) 14 x 87:
#> # (Showing rows 1 - 20 out of 87)
#>    |%%| name                  |%%| height |%%| mass  |%%| hair_color   
#>    |%%| <chr>                 |%%| <int>  |%%| <dbl> |%%| <chr>        
#>  1 |%%| Luke Skywalker        |%%|    172 |%%|    77 |%%| blond        
#>  2 |%%| C-3PO                 |%%|    167 |%%|    75 |%%| NA           
#>  3 |%%| R2-D2                 |%%|     96 |%%|    32 |%%| NA           
#>  4 |%%| Darth Vader           |%%|    202 |%%|   136 |%%| none         
#>  5 |%%| Leia Organa           |%%|    150 |%%|    49 |%%| brown        
#>  6 |%%| Owen Lars             |%%|    178 |%%|   120 |%%| brown, grey  
#>  7 |%%| Beru Whitesun lars    |%%|    165 |%%|    75 |%%| brown        
#>  8 |%%| R5-D4                 |%%|     97 |%%|    32 |%%| NA           
#>  9 |%%| Biggs Darklighter     |%%|    183 |%%|    84 |%%| black        
#> 10 |%%| Obi-Wan Kenobi        |%%|    182 |%%|    77 |%%| auburn, white
#> 11 |%%| Anakin Skywalker      |%%|    188 |%%|    84 |%%| blond        
#> 12 |%%| Wilhuff Tarkin        |%%|    180 |%%|    NA |%%| auburn, grey 
#> 13 |%%| Chewbacca             |%%|    228 |%%|   112 |%%| brown        
#> 14 |%%| Han Solo              |%%|    180 |%%|    80 |%%| brown        
#> 15 |%%| Greedo                |%%|    173 |%%|    74 |%%| NA           
#> 16 |%%| Jabba Desilijic Tiure |%%|    175 |%%|  1358 |%%| NA           
#> 17 |%%| Wedge Antilles        |%%|    170 |%%|    77 |%%| brown        
#> 18 |%%| Jek Tono Porkins      |%%|    180 |%%|   110 |%%| brown        
#> 19 |%%| Yoda                  |%%|     66 |%%|    17 |%%| white        
#> 20 |%%| Palpatine             |%%|    170 |%%|    75 |%%| grey         
#> # 10 more columns: skin_color (<chr>), eye_color (<chr>), birth_year (<dbl>), sex (<chr>), gender (<chr>), homeworld (<chr>), species (<chr>), films (<lst>), vehicles (<lst>), starships (<lst>)