Set or retrieve a column type of a colorful data frame

col_type(x, cols = NULL) <- value

col_type(x, cols = NULL)



a colorful data frame


column names to set or retrieve


character vector with column types


Rather than directly assigning a style to a column (which is possible using the col.styles element) it is preferable to change a style associated with a column type. Several such types are defined in the default styles:

  • character

  • numeric

  • integer

  • factor

  • identifier

  • pval

  • match

  • hidden

  • default

Of course, new column types may be defined and their formatting defined in a theme or a particular data frame style.


mc <- colorDF(mtcars)
col_type(mc, "gear") <- "factor"
col_type(mc, "gear")
#> [1] "factor"
col_type(mc) <- list(gear="factor", cyl="integer")
## Note: the *class* of the columns did not change!
## Chaning column type merely changes the way it is displayed
#> [1] "numeric"

## Hide some columns
col_type(mc, c("disp", "hp")) <- "hidden"

## Create a new type and style
col_type(mc, "carb") <- "carbstyle"
df_style(mc)$type.styles$carbstyle <- list(fg="red", decoration="bold")