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Cell type signatures


An object of class tmodGS


CIBERSORT, CellMarkers, PanglaoDB


## to use cell signatures, type
gl <- vaccination$GeneName[ order(vaccination$qval.F.D1) ]
tmodCERNOtest(gl, mset=cell_signatures)
#>              ID                              Title     cerno N1       AUC
#> CM00043 CM00043                       Sertoli cell 149.64473 41 0.6674980
#> CM00030 CM00030                 Myoepithelial cell 260.10985 85 0.5930265
#> CM00021 CM00021                         Hepatocyte  51.72331  9 0.8268388
#> PG00057 PG00057              Glutaminergic neurons  44.00250  7 0.8343856
#> PG00094 PG00094         Neural stem/precursor cell  70.24000 16 0.6995704
#> PG00051 PG00051                  GABAergic neurons  38.31131  6 0.8161530
#> CS00066 CS00066   T cells regulatory (Tregs) top50  50.14813 10 0.7229767
#> CS00065 CS00065   T cells regulatory (Tregs) top25  67.42724 16 0.7052620
#> PG00056 PG00056                        Glomus cell  28.43640  4 0.9538843
#> PG00019 PG00019                     Cholangiocytes  24.49107  3 0.9177785
#> PG00020 PG00020                       Chondrocytes  24.49107  3 0.9177785
#> PG00151 PG00151           Undefined placental cell  44.89206  9 0.7539329
#> CS00039 CS00039           NK cells activated top50  31.24662  5 0.8755221
#> PG00054 PG00054                 Gastric chief cell  40.72987  8 0.6681803
#> PG00039 PG00039                        Enterocytes  29.93360  5 0.8378637
#> PG00042 PG00042                     Ependymal cell  29.93360  5 0.8378637
#> PG00055 PG00055                          Germ cell  18.52657  2 0.9907661
#> CS00046 CS00046 T cells CD4 memory activated top10  24.96178  4 0.7750684
#> PG00053 PG00053                 Gamma delta T cell  24.52972  4 0.7795175
#> PG00048 PG00048                        Fibroblasts  37.15059  8 0.7227553
#> PG00007 PG00007      Anterior pituitary gland cell  12.37926  1 0.9982906
#> PG00059 PG00059                     Granulosa cell  20.10104  3 0.8033983
#> CS00037 CS00037           NK cells activated top10  19.76089  3 0.8194777
#>              cES      P.Value   adj.P.Val
#> CM00043 1.824936 7.484170e-06 0.001386660
#> CM00030 1.530058 1.046536e-05 0.001386660
#> CM00021 2.873517 4.125684e-05 0.003644355
#> PG00057 3.143035 5.914313e-05 0.003918232
#> PG00094 2.195000 1.103051e-04 0.005846168
#> PG00051 3.192609 1.365601e-04 0.006031406
#> CS00066 2.507406 2.109163e-04 0.007984687
#> CS00065 2.107101 2.505869e-04 0.008300693
#> PG00056 3.554550 3.980025e-04 0.009485925
#> PG00019 4.081844 4.240428e-04 0.009485925
#> PG00020 4.081844 4.240428e-04 0.009485925
#> PG00151 2.494003 4.295513e-04 0.009485925
#> CS00039 3.124662 5.341466e-04 0.010888373
#> PG00054 2.545617 6.085874e-04 0.011519690
#> PG00039 2.993360 8.783254e-04 0.014547264
#> PG00042 2.993360 8.783254e-04 0.014547264
#> PG00055 4.631641 9.734052e-04 0.015173670
#> CS00046 3.120222 1.577911e-03 0.023230361
#> PG00053 3.066215 1.866823e-03 0.025876379
#> PG00048 2.321912 1.997084e-03 0.025876379
#> PG00007 6.189632 2.050581e-03 0.025876379
#> PG00059 3.350174 2.656998e-03 0.032004747
#> CS00037 3.293481 3.054180e-03 0.035189460