The behavior of colorful data frames can be influenced by a number of global options set with options(). All options and their defaults can be viewed with colorDF_options().



The following global options are interpreted by functions in the colorDF package:

  • colorDF_n (default: 20): how many rows at maximum are printed (set to Inf to always show all rows).

  • colorDF_theme (default: "light"): theme assigned by default to the new objects by colorDF() (and also when passing a data frame directly to summary_colorDF()).

  • colorDF_tibble_style (default: FALSE): if TRUE, then only column will be shown which fit on the screen (much like in the default print method for tibbles.

  • colorDF_noitalic (default: FALSE): some terminals do not support italics and instead use video inverse. This will make some styles look really weird. If this option is set to TRUE at time that the colorDF package is loaded, then the italic style will be silently ignored. Changing this option will have no effect when set after the package is loaded, so best put it in your .Rprofile.

  • colorDF_sep: separator for the table columns

  • width: width of the terminal in characters

See also

colorDF() on creating colorful data frames; df_style() on how to modify style of the colorful data frame; colorDF_themes() to list all themes; colorDF_themes_show() to view all themes.


## use the dark theme for a terminal with dark background
#> # Color data frame (class colorDF) 11 x 32:
#> # (Showing rows 1 - 20 out of 32)
#>                    │mpg  │cyl  │disp │hp   │drat │wt   │qsec │vs   │am   │gear 
#>           Mazda RX4   21    6  160  110  3.9  2.6   16    0    1    4
#>       Mazda RX4 Wag   21    6  160  110  3.9  2.9   17    0    1    4
#>          Datsun 710   23    4  108   93  3.9  2.3   19    1    1    4
#>      Hornet 4 Drive   21    6  258  110  3.1  3.2   19    1    0    3
#>   Hornet Sportabout   19    8  360  175  3.1  3.4   17    0    0    3
#>             Valiant   18    6  225  105  2.8  3.5   20    1    0    3
#>          Duster 360   14    8  360  245  3.2  3.6   16    0    0    3
#>           Merc 240D   24    4  147   62  3.7  3.2   20    1    0    4
#>            Merc 230   23    4  141   95  3.9  3.1   23    1    0    4
#>            Merc 280   19    6  168  123  3.9  3.4   18    1    0    4
#>           Merc 280C   18    6  168  123  3.9  3.4   19    1    0    4
#>          Merc 450SE   16    8  276  180  3.1  4.1   17    0    0    3
#>          Merc 450SL   17    8  276  180  3.1  3.7   18    0    0    3
#>         Merc 450SLC   15    8  276  180  3.1  3.8   18    0    0    3
#>  Cadillac Fleetwood   10    8  472  205  2.9  5.2   18    0    0    3
#> Lincoln Continental   10    8  460  215  3.0  5.4   18    0    0    3
#>   Chrysler Imperial   15    8  440  230  3.2  5.3   17    0    0    3
#>            Fiat 128   32    4   79   66  4.1  2.2   19    1    1    4
#>         Honda Civic   30    4   76   52  4.9  1.6   19    1    1    4
#>      Toyota Corolla   34    4   71   65  4.2  1.8   20    1    1    4
#>                    │carb 
#>           Mazda RX4    4
#>       Mazda RX4 Wag    4
#>          Datsun 710    1
#>      Hornet 4 Drive    1
#>   Hornet Sportabout    2
#>             Valiant    1
#>          Duster 360    4
#>           Merc 240D    2
#>            Merc 230    2
#>            Merc 280    4
#>           Merc 280C    4
#>          Merc 450SE    3
#>          Merc 450SL    3
#>         Merc 450SLC    3
#>  Cadillac Fleetwood    4
#> Lincoln Continental    4
#>   Chrysler Imperial    4
#>            Fiat 128    1
#>         Honda Civic    2
#>      Toyota Corolla    1