IgNoble 2009
- Jedna minuta czytania - 208 słów [Nauka] , [Misc] , [Pseudonauka]Rozdano IgNoble 2009. Mnie chyba najbardziej zachwycił upór pewnego młodego człowieka, któremu mamusia, ciocie, a później i teściowa mówiły, że od trzaskania palcami robi się reumatyzm. Młody człowiek zaplanował eksperyment trwający sześćdziesiąt lat, i opublikował jego wyniki na łamach czasopisma Arthritis and Rheumatism. Nie wiem tylko, czy wyniki są istotne – na reumatyzm chorują starcy, a Donald L. Unger jest nadal młody (duchem).
During the author’s childhood, various renowned authorities (his mother, several aunts, and, later, his mother-in law [personal communication]) informed him that cracking his knuckles would lead to arthritis of the fingers. To test the accuracy of this hypothesis, the following study was undertaken.
For 50 years, the author cracked the knuckles of his left hand at least twice a day, leaving those on the right as a control. […] At the end of the 50 years, the hands were compared for the presence of arthritis.
There was no arthritis in either hand, and no apparent differences between the two hands.[…]
This result calls into question whether other parental beliefs, e.g., the importance of eating spinach, are also flawed. Further investigation is likely warranted.